
Essential Oils

Essential Oils have become such a huge part of my daily living. By signing up through me, you’ll get connected to a bunch of resources, and you’ll get to join my team and a huugggggee community of people  who are using and learning about oils everyday.

Singing up is easy, just follow these  simple steps!

Click this link first!

1. Check “Wholesale Member” NOT “Retail Customer”. Now don’t freak out, this doesn’t mean you have to sell oils! It simply gets you your kit + a 24% wholesale discount for the year (yay).


2. Choose the starter kit with the dewdrop diffuser or desert mist diffuser ($160)

3. Now, you can  set up a monthly wellness box called Essential Rewards. You can build your own each month or have a regular order and keep getting the same oils. Personally, I like to change my order every month, that way I’m trying out the different products and seeing what works best for me. Essential rewards are amazing because if you spend a certain amount of money each month, you get free oils and other Young Living products…so stinkin cool!

4. Enter allllllllll your information, create a username, password, and pin. Make sure you write these down so you have easy access to the site again!

5. Now check out and wait anxiously for your oils to arrive!

Follow me on Instagram at @makinglemonadee and feel free to contact me if you have any questions!